Friday, November 23

Boys Vs Girls Part 3

“I’ll grab all the things, Patroklos choose nine other people to set up camp!”.

Ten Minutes Later
“That's the rest!” I say turning around “Kilik?”
“Hello Shun!”.
“What did you do to the others?”
“We just simply changed them!”
“You’re going down!”
“You have forgotten one thing!”
“Patroklos! what my earpiece, Patroklos get out of there!”
“I know what you’re talking about, but they haven't seen us yet!”.
“Well run!” I yell getting punched in the face by Kilik. “Owe, take this!”
“You missed!” Kilik explained while punching me in the stomach.
Then I kick him in the face. He grabs me and throws me over him.
“Ooooh you didn’t!” I say turning around to see that he had disappeared.

“Patroklos, where are you?”
“Up here, look out, girls!”
“Look Shun, get him!”
“Get off of me!” “No!”

“Where am I?” “Heaps of girls oh no I’m in the machine!”
“Start it up!” Pyrrha demanded.
“Let me out of here, no!”

To be continued...


  1. Awesome Kharn!
    This story is getting better and better. I really am enjoying reading this. Well done!

    1. Thanks Natasha!
      On the doc I'm on the last part.

  2. Cool Kharn!
    This story is getting so cool.
    Well done:)

    1. Thank you Hannah!
      I only have one more part to go!
