Friday, September 21

The League Of Superheroes Episode 1

Scene: Museum
“Come on guys!” I say to Alex, Bianca and Lachlan on our field trip to the museum.
“Do you think they will catch us? Lachlan asked.
“Do you really think they will catch us Lachlan!” Bianca said.
“Hey look, what’s that? Alex asked.
“I don’t know but I think we should check it out!” I answer.

Scene: In doctor Bradsons lab
“Guys, look up here it says lab of doctor Bradson,” Lachlan exclaimed.
“He must be out!” I reply.
“Hey look fizzy drinks!” Alex Showed us.
“They do look weird, and yummy!” Bianca said.
“Let’s drink them, I got lemonade!” I said.
“I want the new brown fanta!” Lachlan shouted.
“I want that blue lemonade!” Bianca demanded.
“Red coke is all mine!” Alex exclaimed.
“That was delicious!” we all said at once.
“Wait why is there heaps of mini tornados around me?” I ask.
“I could ask the same with all these rocks around me!” Lachlan said.
“Guys there’s heaps of fire around me bianca put it out with all that water surrounding you!” Alex ordered.
“Ok, wow did I just throw a water ball?” Bianca asked.
“We have powers!” Lachlan exclaimed “Let's see if I can make an earthquake, awesome I did!”.

Scene: Science central of the museum
“I love being at the back of the pack!” Teva said to himself “Hey look a lightning drink! Wow an earthquake!” Teva says falling over as the drink falls in his mouth. “Wow there’s heaps of lightning around me!”.

Scene: Bus stop waiting for the bus back to school
“Hey guys, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me at science central!” Teva said.
“What!” Lachlan, Bianca, Alexandra and I all said at once.
“So I was just walking past this lightning drink when an earthquake came, then the drink fell in my mouth then lightning went all around me!” Teva replied.
“Did you tell anyone else?” Lachlan asked.
“No, but I was going to ask Mr Moriarty to share it for news!” Teva replied.
“Don’t!” I said.’
“Why not?” Teva asked.
“Because you have powers like the rest of us,” Bianca whispered.
“What Powers!” Teva shouted.
“Keep it down,” Alex said.
“So what powers do you guys have?” Teva asked.
“I have wind, Lachlan has earth, Bianca has water, Alex has fire and I assume you have electricity powers,” I exclaimed when we got in the bus.

Scene: Old abandoned hotel
“This would make a great base!” I said.
“Yeah an awesome base!” Alex said.
“Okay now how do we get rid of all these cobweb?” Lachlan asked.
“I’ve got an idea!” I said “Bianca make heaps of water fall from the ceiling!”.
“Okay, but wouldn’t that make heaps of water on the ground?” Bianca asked.
“Just do it!” I shouted.
“Okay, water drop!” Bianca replied.
“Hard wind, duck!” I said.
“Wow thats perfect!” Teva said.
“Okay now we need to design our superhero’s!” Lachlan replied.
“I have already got a design, and I’m called, Sparrow with a bow and and arrow!” I said.
“Well I’m Iceabella, with shuriken!” Bianca said.
“Meet Rock with a bominocker!” Lachlan Introduced.
“I’m Firia, with a sword!” Alex said.
“Stormage, with Tonfas!” Teva exclaimed.
1 hour later from making the costumes
“Let’s practise fighting first is Bianca Vs Alexandra!” I said.
“3,2,1, fight!” Lachlan, Teva and I said.
“Freeze!” Bianca shouted “Shuriken repeat!”.
“Fire surrounding!” Alexandra said.
“Cyclone!” Bianca shouted.
“K.O!” I shout.
“Damn!” Alexandra shouted.
“Now Lachlan Vs Teva!” I said.
“3, 2, 1, fight!” Bianca, Alexandra and I shouted.
“Wall switch!” Lachlan said which made Teva outside.
“Thunder!” Teva yelled and it hit the roof making a hole “Fast as lightning!” teva shouted and ran up the wall and through the hole.
“Earth body!” Lachlan shouted and punched Teva in the face.
“Power lines!” Teva yelled.
“Bominocker smash!” Lachlan shouted.
“K.O!” I shout.
“Who’s going to face you Kharn?” Bianca asked.
“All of you!” I reply.
“What!” Alex said.
“If you say so!” Lachlan said.
“Fight!” I shout.
“Fireball!” Alex shouted.
“Fly!” I yell “Bird peck!”.
“Freeze ball!” Bianca shouts.
“Bomb arrow!” I yell and exploded the freeze ball.
“Thunderstrike!” Teva shouted.
“Reflect!” I reply and the thunder hits Teva.
“Rockfall!” Lachlan says.
“Tornado!” I yelled and caught all the rock and threw them at Lachlan. “Wing charge!”.
“Fire charge!” Alex Yells.
“Earth charge!” Lachlan shouted.
“Water charge!” Bianca replied.
“Electricity charge!” Teva desperately yelled.
“Tornado!” I yell thinking it will stop their charge and I’ll get them.
“Why is the tornado absorbing all the elements?” Bianca asked.

Scene: The Element room.
“Where are we?” I asked.
“You are in the element room!” A girl answered.
“Who are you beautiful lady?” Teva asked.
“Earth body!” Lachlan said knocking Teva out with a punch.
“I am Melissa, and I have light powers!” Melissa said “Who is the leader of you guys?”.
“I am!” I answered.
“Can I join your group?” Melissa asked.
“Um isn’t this a dream? I asked.
Why is everything fading away?” Lachlan asked.

To Be Continued...

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