Thursday, October 31

Science Report

Splitting Procedure
& Explanation
2 x lemonade or coke bottles,                                   
2 x  large buckets                                                         
2 x normal shaped balloons
Hot water
Cold water

  1. First pour the hot water into 1 of the buckets about half way, do the same with the cold water and the other bucket.
  2. Now strap the balloons onto the mouths of the bottles.
  3. Now to start the experiment make the bottles completely immersed in the water.
  4. Now observe the two different balloons. The balloon in the hot water will start to rise and the other won’t. The balloon that is in the cold water might start to shrivel.

Why It Happens

It is caused by the air particles. In the cold water they are in a state of inertia. But in the hot water they need to expand. They move around looking for more space causing them to move into the balloon. When they expand, the balloon expands.

Science Report Draft

What happens when you immerse trapped air in hot and cold water? This is an experiment to figure out the answer to this question. Later on this report will say how to do the experiment and what equipment it needs while explaining while what happens, happens.

The equipment this experiment will need to perform this is two coke or lemonade bottles, two normal balloons, hot and cold water and two large buckets. First pour the hot water into one of the buckets and the cold water into the other. Then strap the balloons onto the mouths of the bottles. When every step is done the balloon will blow up.

Now the  to complete the experiment make the bottles completely immersed in the water. Immersing something means surrounding something. The reason it needs to completely immerse the bottle is because if it only put half of it it will do nothing or it will go very slowly.

Put one bottle into the cold water and the hot water. Now observe the two different balloons. The balloon in the hot water will start to rise and the other won’t. The balloon that is in the cold water might start to shrivel.

This is caused by the air particles. In the cold water they are in a state of inertia. But in the hot water they need to expand. They move around looking for more space causing them to move into the balloon. When they expand, the balloon expands.

So what happens when you immerse trapped air in hot and cold water? The answer is it expands in hot water and does nothing in cold water. So that is how to do this experiment. Here is a diagram to understand what you can’t see.

Wednesday, October 30

Reflection for Art, Math and Music

I have learnt the difference between just putting things on a page and making a pattern. .
I have improved in ideas for it because I was lost for ideas and then an amazing one came along
I am proud of my skateboard art because I think I did really well on it and put a lot of effort in it.
I have enjoyed having lessons with Mrs Morton because she taught us lots of different techniques.

I have learnt more techniques for helping me using a compass.
I have improved my knowledge for techniques in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
I am proud of winning the mathematics competition 2013.
I enjoyed training for the mathematics because some of the questions were sneaky and puzzling.

I have learnt every note on the violin this year.
I have improved in reading notes because if I don’t bring my violin I learn about the notes.
I am proud of performing in class well because every now and then I ask to do it.
I enjoy listening to other people play because I can learn from them.